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Auto Insurance Glossary:

Actual Cash Value (ACV) - The value of your property, based on the current cost to replace it minus depreciation.

Bodily Injury (BI) - Physical injury to a person.

Collision Coverage - Pays for damage to your car without regard to who caused an accident. The company must pay for the repair or up to the actual cash value of your vehicle, minus your deductible.

Comprehensive Coverage (Physical Damage Other than Collision) - Pays for damage to or loss of your automobile from causes other than accidents. These include hail, vandalism, flood, fire, and theft.

Declarations Page - - The page in your policy that shows the name and address of the insurer, the period of time a policy is in force, a description of the vehicle, the amount of the premium, and the amount of coverage.

Deductible - The amount the insured must pay in a loss before any payment is due from the company.

Depreciation - The act of lowering an item�s value due to use or wear and tear.

Expiration Date - The date on which an insurance policy expires.

Gap Insurance - Insurance that pays the difference between the actual cash value of a vehicle and the amount still to be paid on the loan, Some gap policies may also cover the amount of the deductible.

Grace Period(s) - The time - usually 31 days - during which a policy remains in force after the premium is due but not paid. The policy lapses as of the day the premium was originally due unless the premium is paid before the end of the 31 days or the insured dies. This is not a "free-insurance" period.

Incontestability - A provision that places a time limit - up to two years - on a company�s right to deny payment of a claim because of suicide or a material misrepresentation on your application.

Independent Adjuster - A person who charges a fee to the insurance company to adjust the company�s claim.

Lapse - Termination of a policy due to non-payment of premiums.

Liability - Responsibility to another for one�s negligence.

Liability Insurance - Pays for injuries to the other party and damages to the other vehicle resulting from an accident you caused. It also pays if the accident was caused by someone covered by your policy, including a driver operating your car with your permission.

Liability Limits - The maximum amount your liability policy will pay. Your auto policy must pay at least $20,000 per person for injuries and deaths, up to $40,000 for all victims of an accident, plus $15,000 for property damage. You can purchase higher auto liability limits for additional premium.

Named Driver Exclusion - An endorsement that provides that an automobile policy does not cover accidents when a specifically named person is the driver. This is typically done when there are other drivers living the household that are insured on another auto policy or to exclude young drivers from driving a particular vehicle.

Named Driver Policy - A policy that covers only the drivers specifically named in the policy. Generally, all other drivers are excluded from coverage under the policy. This type of policy is usually written by surplus lines companies.

Policy - The contract issued by the insurance company to the insured.

Premium - The amount paid by an insured to an insurance company to obtain or maintain an insurance policy.

Public Adjuster - A person hired by you to settle the claim with the insurance company to settle the claim on your behalf.

Reinstatement - The process by which a life insurance company puts back in force a policy which had lapsed because of nonpayment of renewal premiums.
Renewal Policy - A policy issued as a renewal of a policy expiring in the same company or agency; not new business.
Rental Reimbursement Coverage - Pays a set daily amount for a rental car if your car is being repaired because of damage covered by your auto policy.
Replacement Cost - The cost associated with replacing property at current market prices.

Third Party Loss - A situation involving a person other than the insurer and insured; i.e., a person making a liability claim against the insured.
Towing and Labor Coverage - Pays for towing charges when your car can�t be driven. Also pays labor charges, such as changing a flat tire, at the place where your car broke down.

Underwriter - The person who reviews an application for insurance and decides if the applicant is acceptable and at what premium rate.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) Coverage - Pays for your injuries and property damage caused by a hit-and-run driver or a motorist without liability insurance. It will also pay when your medical and car repair bills are higher than the other driver�s liability coverage.


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