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Georgia  Attorneys  Lawyers  Law Firms Criminal Defense


Georgia Attorneys - Lawyers - Law Firms
Criminal Defense Litigation Lawyers



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  Criminal defense attorneys need to be experienced trial lawyers giving their clients keen insight into all aspects of any criminal litigation and assisting them in making the right choices for a successful defense of the crimes they are accused of. Top care must go into the preparing of the defendant�s defenses in the pre-trial phase of any case with special emphasis on all discovery material handed over by the prosecutor and evaluations of any post arrest statements made by the accused and witnesses.

If you've been accused or arrested, you cannot afford second-best representation. Choose from one of our certified criminal defense attorneys listed on this site for the best possible aggressive and highly-creative defense strategies to protect your rights.

GA City Pages:

Union City
Union Point
Villa Rica

Find lawyers practicing criminal law.

Law firms providing legal representation in criminal defense cases, such as drunk driving & DUI/DWI, assaults, sex crimes, homicide, murder, fraud, burglary, theft, drug trafficking drugs posession sales distribution, expungement, Three Strikes, domestic violence, spousal abuse, juvenile criminal and business/white collar crime cases, also personal injury cases, negligence harassment false arrest.

Law Office of EVANS PRIESTON  New York, NY
212 -599-2800
 Westchester NY 914-841-5555

Law Office of JOHN MITCHELL New York, NY
212 -696-9500


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